Q. What does it mean that Thriving Gut Microbiome Action Group is a not-for-profit organization?
A. Being a not-for-profit means that our primary focus is on our mission, not generating profits. Our goal is to promote health and well-being through evidence-based strategies and community support. Any revenue generated is reinvested into our initiatives, research, and programs to further our mission.
Q. How does being a not-for-profit organization impact the services you provide?
A. As a not-for-profit, our priority is to provide valuable services and resources to our community. We can allocate resources and funding to enhance the quality of our programs and offerings, ensuring that our services are accessible, evidence-based, and aligned with our mission of improving health and well-being.
Q. Does being a not-for-profit mean that your services are free?
A. While our mission is to provide valuable resources and support, some of our services may have associated costs to cover operational expenses and further our initiatives. However, we strive to ensure that our services are affordable and accessible, and we offer a range of options to cater to different needs..
How can I contribute to Thriving Gut’s mission as a not-for-profit organization?
A. You can support us by:
Becoming a paid member
Philanthropic support, donating to fund awards, scholarships, and research.
Spreading awareness about Thriving Gut and its objectives within the microbiome and health community.
Volunteering for committee roles when opportunities arise.
How can I stay informed about Thriving Gut’s initiatives?
A. Stay connected by visiting our website regularly, subscribing to our mailing list, and following our social media channels. We share updates, achievements, and new initiatives to keep you informed. Become a member, and join our Microbiome Boosts and Reboots.
How does Thriving Gut translate microbiome research into actionable strategies?
A. We distill complex microbiome research into practical strategies that individuals can adopt for better health. We aim to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and everyday practices. We use our collaborative partnerships to help bring the most relevant, evidence-based information to our community.
Is this a diet? What role does nutrition play in Thriving Gut’s mission?
A. Nutrition is a fundamental aspect of our health strategy. As microbiome diversity increases, inflammation decreases, positively affecting overall health. We focus on evidence-based nutrition strategies to optimize gut health and well-being. But nutrition is just one of the pillars that helps us make SENSE (Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition, Stress and Environment) of our health. Each of these pillars can impact the makeup of the microbiome.
How can we help.
Please contact us through this link and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Please check out our frequently asked questions or challenge us with some new questions.